ABOUT TRADEKAM - Tradekam Import / Export

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About Tradekam

My name is Javad Kamran Amiri. I have been living in Germany for several years and have both Iranian and German citizenship.

I founded the Tradekam company to build another valuable bridge between two countries that could not be almost different, but that's the perfect complement to it.

The land of Iran in its oriental flair, its traditional and millennia-old craftsmanship, its Persian carpets, its fragrant spices and fruits, the haggling on enchanting bazaars, its precious raw materials and finally the people in their serene and passionate way of life.

Germany as an important location for technology and science, with its modernity, its numerous companies and high foreign trade shares, its democracy, and finally the people in their conscientious way of life and their precise way of working.

Tradekam builds on valuable experience of the market economy and business processes in Iran, identifies interests of the respective markets and brings together supply and demand - based on a positive trade relationship.
Numerous contacts and business relations are the basis of our work.
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